
A memorial concert was held on Saturday 17th February at 3pm at London Kensington Unitarian Church, 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, W8.
Following the service there were celebrations at the Romanian Restaurant, 32 Old Bailey, EC4.
Ovidiu Haidu passed away on Tuesday 10th October in Glasgow.
Ovi was a unique and amazing friend to so many people. Each one of us has at least one funny story or memory of the guy. While we are all very sad that he has left us, here is an opportunity for everyone who knew him to share their memories, their stories or just to say what his friendship meant to you...
Thank you Nick for setting up this blog!
Ovi was a great friend to me, the very first person who introduced himself at the GSMD on my first day there some ten years ago. From that short chat grew a friendship that i could always count on and through him i met most of the people who are now my closest friends.
He was a great one to observe and learn from many things like... how to get a perfect stranger pour their hart out to you in no time and take your advice that always must be dispensed in abundance; how to party - just think of the parties at the Romanian reastaurant and dancing till early hours; also, how it IS possible to drive a car without actually ever looking at the road(!); but most of all one could learn from him is how to be a good and loyal friend, always there ready to listen and help.
I miss him so much, and so grateful for all the time we had spent together.
Nick - what a fantastic idea to set up this blog... Thank you.
Ovi was a very very special guy, the most generous, kind sweetheart you could ever meet. I think, for me, one of the most amazing, and endearing qualities that Ovi had was his ability to laugh along with the world, see the funny side and not take himself too seriously. His loyalty and kindness to his friends and anyone he met was inspirational. He was and will always be a legend...
Rest in peace, babe...
Miranda x
Ovi the great Romanian pop star..."Pustoaico" has to be Ovi's greatest hit! if you would like to listen to the song the link to the website is below. I of course have the signed copy of his album :)
Ovi was the kind of person that enters your life and touches your heart with his friendship and love of life.
I had the pleasure of knowing Ovi for 14 years, we studied together at the Guildhall. I have many happy memories of our student days - how can anyone forget the parties at the Romanian restaurant? We always ended up having a lock in and staying until the small hours dancing and singing! Ovi was a fantastic dancer I will always remember him dancing with Alenka and Izzy, what a mover!
There are so many memories and stories to tell about Ovi, I'm going to enjoy reading some of them on here.
My dear friend Ovi, how I will miss that funny giggle you always did!
Hear Ovi singing live to an audience of thousands...
My favourite memory of Ovi was the Christmas party at Preedy's Farm. It was a riotous weekend with everyone singing and laughing, eating huge amounts of food and fighting over who made the best log fire.
But when Jane and Alenka found some cotton wool and made a beard for Ovi, we had our very own Father Christmas! And each of us took turns to sit on his knee and tell him what good boys and girls we had been. He loved it!
Centre of attention, but, of course, being generous and indulgent to us all!
Bless you, Ovi, and look after us all!
Nick Johnson
Ovi was uniquely brazen. He removed virtually every stitch of clothing at my wedding reception and somehow a nearly naked photo of him ends up gracing my wedding album.
I also have a very strong recollection of arriving in Glasgow in a Transit van (avec Angus and Verity) full of his furniture, only to discover that he had no firm plans for immediate accomodation. Following up on one of those vague "if you are ever in town..." promises that people make, Ovi directed us towards the flat of a distinguished soprano but neglected to mention that she had not furnished him with her full address. Standing outside a block of flats at half past midnight we were volunteering Verity to ring yet another random doorbell - reasoning that if you have to disturb a slumbering Glaswegian, then a woman's voice might be less likely to result in homicide.
We never found the missing soprano. Maybe she had left town. Maybe was was out filing a restraining order against old friends from over the border. Maybe she was, like any sane person, simply hiding behind her sofa.
For all of us who graduated with Ovi, his moving to Scotland marked the end of an era. It was a time when we were forced to accept that life may have in store some bigger challenges than "how do I eat one of Guiseppe's Tuna Melts without a)burning my tongue, or b)spending the evening coping with gastric discomfort?" Now, sadly, we find ourselves faced with the harshest and most brutal of all realities, one that is resistant to any amount of pinching. If I do any more growing-up on account of Ovi's passing then I should like to dedicate that to him.
I loved him because he was generous, warm and funny. Actually, hilariously funny. And randy. And God Bless him for only ever learning two songs in four years at GSMD. And God Bless him for his courage and his kindness. I will miss him. Scott X
Now, where's that wedding album...
Thank you guys for having thought of creating this blog. He is up there watching it and absolutely loving every minute of it!!
I've known Ovi since we were 12 years old but it was ending up in England that made us part of one another's lives.
We've shared so many memories I wouldn't know where to start: I've known his highs, I've known his lows, I knew what made him happy or made him sad. He knew just as much about me... We didn't always see eye to eye and sometimes even argued just because that's what Romanians do...
My fondest memory of Ovi? It's having had him in my life.
I haven't known a greater life force than Ovi so I'll look for comfort in the thought that to shine so brightly it could have only been briefly.
Please look after yourself up there.
Laura Oprea Ellis
"you know I have often thought of moving outside Glasgow into fields and becoming a country pumpkin"
"Ovi, under solo work you have the Faure Requiem on your CV"
"Hmm Yes, I sang it at Llangollen"
" Ovi there are no tenor solos in the Faure Requiem"
"Oh Shit"
Ah, dearest Ovi, what an enriching experience it is to have known you for the last 13 years.
What a loyal, selfless friend you have been.You are in my prayers and those of my family.
I saw Ovi on the friday before he died. I somehow knew it might be the last time. As Juliet and I sat by his bed he asked after our children and I thought how far we had travelled together since the carefree days of our first term at Guildhall. From that time
I still have a video of Ovi singing "a cup of tea" with Izzy in Bernard Dickinson's class.
With his trousers riding high about his waist he dwarfs the somewhat diminutive soprano and one cannot help thinking that a cup of tea is the last thing on his mind.
Ovi more or less stopped learning new repertoire after year 1 in order to perfect what he had already learned. I understand this approach paid off in the end as his final recital was a tour de force by all accounts.
After Guildhall I and many others made use of his spare room in Glasgow where his generosity was unbounded, his humour plentiful and his property dealings and driving, terrifying.
Ovi was a charismatic, lovable bear whom I will miss terribly.
May he rest in peace and the angels lead him to paradise
Putine evenimente principale in viata mea au avut loc fara ca Ovi sa fie prin preajma. Citeodata din coincidenta, altadata cu invitatia speciala: Ovi a fost in preajma cind am avut prima deziluzie in dragoste la 14 ani in tabara de la Tuzla. Asta a fost numai inceputul pentru ca in anii care au urmat Ovi, caruia ii explodau pe rind tot ce cumpara si intra in priza, incepuse sa spuna ca are noroc la electrice cum am eu la barbati... Ovi a fost cel care m-a "dat" la primul sot si care nu m-a iertat niciodata cind am decis ca a doua oara sa ma marit in secret in timpul unei vacante! Am fost la cele mai minunate si mai ciudate petreceri cu Ovi si cind ne gaseam impreuna nu raminea nimic lichid in preajma. De multe ori ne calcam pe nervi pentru ca in discutii numai unul dintre noi putea sa aiba dreptate si niciodata nu era celalalt. Sint multe amintiri de care ma voi lega cu dintii de acum inainte in speranta ca imi vor alina durerea. O parte din mine e foarte suparata pe el ca n-a facut deajuns sa ramina prin preajma mai mult: mai sint atitea de facut in viata mea la care ar fi urmat sa participe! Pe de alta parte insa o sa incerc sa-mi amintesc cuvintele sotului meu (care multumesc lui Dumnezeu a avut ocazia sa-l cunoasca bine pe Ovi in luna care a stat cu noi in vara lui 2003 marcind in acelasi timp sfirsitul ghinionului lui Ovi cu electricele): ca sa straluceasca atit de puternic a trebuit sa fie scurt. E rar sa intilnesti o forta de viata atit de puternica ca Ovi- ma voi consola cu gindul ca macar am avut sansa sa-i ating focul.
Ovi, ai grija de tine pe unde esti si ai grija de noi toti.
Laura Oprea
I know it has already been said, but thank you Nick for doing this!
Ovi was truly an amazing of a kind in every sense. I first met Ovi at the Guildhall and although we were not in the same year, he was always extremely friendly and kind to me. He had such great energy and a huge zest for life. One of my great memories of Ovi was also at that Romanian restaurant where we sat around eating and drinking till the early hours of the morning...with a small amount of nudity on Ovi's part I might add!!! They were some of the best memories of my GSMD experience and I think often of the amazing times Ovi, I, and his many friends had there.
Ovi was a great guy who could always make you laugh no mattter what. I will miss him very much and the times we spent together.
I just read everything you said guys and it is wonderful. You were truly friends to Ovidiu.
I was studing at the RSAMD between 1999 - 2001 as the only romanian in the Master of Drama Course. My first surprise was to find out that the School of Drama was lead by a romanian also (Vladimir Mirodan) -who told me that there was another romanian in the School of Music, called Ovidiu Haidu. And then, I started like a detective to find and meet this guy. I didn't know how he looked though, so it wasn't very easy. There was this guy I kept seeing everywhere (library, halls, coffee area) that seemed very popular, always smiling, greeting people and being showing respect. I don't know why, but I thought he was spanish, because he had a funny accent.
And one day I was to ASDA Maryhill and at the counter I met this guy againg, with his basket filled with like tons of water and other liquids, who smiled at me and said 'Hi, where are you from?' 'Romania' I said and in the next second we were laughing so loud, that everyone was watching us. I was immediately invited to his flat and I was surprised to find out that we were more or less neighbourns.
From that moment on, we became very good friends and the next big surprise was that he actualy wrote and performed the big hit 'Pustoaico' (which I knew by heart) -but because I was too small at the time he was performing it, I never met the singer.
After three years I returned to Romania and he came many times to visit me in Bucharest, and I went to his parents house in Brasov.
The news that he passed away knocked me like a hammer.
He ment for me sincerity, true friendship and a big heart. He was also a fighter, because it is not easy to accomplish what he had accomplished there!
I believe the angels needed a very good voice up there that they took him so soon.
Dumnezeu te-a vrut mai devreme sa-i canti 'Pustoaico', Ovidiu. Esti binecuvantat!
God bless!...
Alin Olteanu
Well done, Penguins for blog-starting. It's already lovely to have read the few memories here already, and see the lovely photo of him.
My favorite memories of Ovi could fill quite a few pages. The Preedy's farm Father Christmas is certainly in the top ten, as is his strip at Vee and Scott's wedding.
From Guildhall I will remember him partying like a mad-thing. MANY nights at Mille Pini, and also his flat in Oval. I remember listening to the classic 'You....You are my girlfriend...You're my first, oh please believe me...I need you...I need you, I need you, but time has gone...and I know how much I was wrong...Oh please come back...' etc etc.
I remember him cooking me dinners in Oval- the first time he took a whole pork leg out of the freezer and threw it into the metal sink full of hot water! I honestly expected him to put a bunsen burner underneath and make some strange Romanian pork soup...
I also remember Ovi coming to Poppy's house in Highbury and cooking for all my friends (I HAD been cooking myself, but those of you who ever tried cooking with Ovi in the room...). My chums will always remember his egg and potato soup (?!), and when he managed to truly offend one of my friends by telling her she looked 'like television's Lisa Riley', his status as a legend was truly established. Those friends met Ovi for maybe four hours about eight years ago. They have never forgotten him, and have often asked about him. Alenka said to me earlier this week- 'If you met Ovi once, you would remember him for ever.'
This is why we all loved him. He did everything twice as much as everyone else- was twice as generous, funny, annoying, cheeky, demanding, loving, kind... Ovi would do anything for his friends. He was never too busy, and it was never too much effort.
I am SO glad Alenka, Angus and I drove up to see him in hospital a couple of weeks ago. He was obviously so moved by all the cards and calls he'd received from all the friends who loved him. A lovely memory of Ovi's filthy sense of humour and of his infectious laugh was from that day. An Indian doctor came into the room with a syringe. I asked if we should leave the room for a while. He said we didn't have to, and I replied that I thought he may want some privacy. The doctor looked at me from over Ovi's bed and said 'What? You don't like to see men pricking each other?'. Angus, Alenka and I were all trying to stifle sniggers and tears to spare the poor man's blushes, but Ovi's face lit-up and he exploded into a huge belly-laugh.
I will always remember Ovi's naughty laugh, smiling face, wonderful dancing, and his enormous kindness and generosity to his friends. We will all miss him down here, but I'm sure he's upstairs now teaching the angels how to party!
Jane xx
Almost every memory I have of my time at the GSMD involves the generous and voluminous craziness that was Ovi.
Mille Pini has obviously passed into Guildhall legend - lock ins, drinking obscene quantities of red wine, and amazing Romanian food. I sometimes find myself craving a massive pile of polenta with stuffed cabbage leaves and sausages (he tricked me into tasting tripe there for the first time) and when I do I always think of Ovi, always at the centre of things, dancing like a star.
He was notoriously lazy and very cheeky - I'll never forget Ovi splitting a pair of tight black moleskin jeans and actually persuading M&S to give him a refund!
My best memories are from when I lived with Ovi in Brockley during the summer of 1997, where I was introduced more intimately to his prodigious drinking and his unusual culinary skills; his method of frying food straight from the freezer was a particular favourite. It was Ovi who broke the news to me that Diana had died as I came down the stairs for breakfast that morning. We sat together in our dressing gowns talking quietly about how life can be so bitterly short...
I know he's still here; a man with that much life in him never truly goes away. He's just blagging The Man Upstairs for a cheeky refund - he'll be back! Love to you always Ovi, Natalie. xxx
How do you put into words what years of his friendship meant. A difficult one!
I met Ovi when he joined the Chorus of Scottish Opera and we instantly hit it off. We worked together and had many great evenings consisting of eating, drinking and putting the world to rights and, of course, partying.
He was always hospitable and seemed to know eveyone. He loved the Eurovision Song Contest and threw a party in it's honour every year. He loved Heat, Hello and any magazine with celebrities in it. I think that TK Max will now become bankrupt as he is not here to buy them out of shoes. He complained like no other person I have ever met.
He told me about his life in Romania "I used to go into the mountains and scream to strengthen my voice", him being a popstar, his National Service where he managed to wangle a cushy office post and of his time in London.
He took on the Home Office to fight to stay in the UK - They really didn't stand a chance! He was so proud when he got his British Citizenship.
His driving has been mentioned. He bought a car (which I know own) before sitting his first test as he was sure to pass first time...not so...but it wasn't his fault! He refused to have any more lessons so I had the joy of being his designated driver. On the way to his second test he crashed the car into a lamp-post whilst attempting a 3 point turn and then nearly killed the pair of us crossing a dual carriageway! I told him that there was no way I would get into a car with him until he passed his test (which he did on the 5th or 6th attempt) but he never did show me his licence...mmmmm
He asked me to wax his back - which I did (boy did he scream!) He also asked me to marry him and have his babies - which I didn't! His opinion was given whether you wanted it or not - "dahrrlink don't get your hair cut like that again - it make you look like a dyke" He also wrote obscure messages on Birthday or Christmas cards.
The last time I saw Ovi was towards the end of September in Gartnaval Hospital. As ill as he
was, he managed to get himself onto the staff menu "well, you know, I would eat this food if they knew how to make it properly!" was his words to the dietician.
Whenever I meet anyone who knew Ovi there is always a wry smile followed by some tale or other. He was a big, lovable rascal who is bound to be giving God a hard time.
I wonder if you need to pass a flying test for Angel Wings? I'd advise people to keep their eyes to the sky and be ready to duck...just in case!
Heather Ross
Great times.... reading your comments brings Ovi so vividly into my mind again. What an amazing guy.
I studied in Glasgow with Ovi. Everyone he met, no matter who, where or why, was left with a big impression.
One of my favourite Ovi stories involves my ballet dancing brother, who brought his girlfriend(now wife!) to a birthday party. The look on Ovi's face as he sang a solo "happy birthday" in Romanian with a glass of wine in one hand while his other hand was almost subconsciously stroking my brother's was priceless!!
My other story was when he discovered a store near the RSAMD was having a great sale. He was due to go home for Christmas, and proudly told us all he had bought ALL the christmas presents for his family. As we asked him what he had got them, he listed one-by-one that.."they will get a watch, heeheehee"... all of them!!
Ovi... one in a million... heaven couldn't wait.
L-am cunoscut pe Ovidiu in 15 septembrie 1974 in prima zi de scoala.Locuiam multi in aceeasi zona.Ne-am intalnit aproape zilnic cu totii cam 16 ani.Apoi mai rar,cand venea ne cauta.Acum nu mai suna...Te vom iubi mereu,chiar de am facut-o intotdeauna fara sa ne dam seama...
si sufletu-ti era
deschis si-atat de clar,
incat,eu niciodata
nu am putut sa intru.
Am cautat cararea
nalta si dificila...
Dar spre sufletul tau
duceau drumurile largi.
Am pregatit scara
-visam ziduri inalte
vegindu-ti sufletul-
dar sufletul tau
era fara de paza
de ziduri si zidiri.
Am cautat usa
ingusta si joasa,
dar sufletu tau,
de clar ce era,
nu avea intrare.
Unde incepea?
Pentru totdeauna
am ramas pe pragul
sufletului tau,
nevazutul prag...
Lili Stoia
We first heard of Ovidiu Haidu in 1983(?) when he was singing the well known Romanian song PUSTOAICO. He sang that song with such a passion that made him quickly famous in Romania!
Little did we expect to actually meet the guy and befriend him, in 1992, shortly after arriving to London. From the first moment we met he came across as a very kind, big hearted and generous guy who lived his life to the full.
We will always remember OVI inviting us to many of his London parties or vice-versa, the Romanian Restaurant parties, the Oval flat, a lovely Christmas in Kent, his Student Opera shows and so many other events where we always had such a good time together and heard him giggle a lot while sharing few stories. My husband especially remembers how he always tried to get Ovi drank before him but he would always loose and OVI would be teasing him next day ...We also remember inviting him for dinner and him ending up cooking for us sometimes. The leak and mushrooms sauce with poached salmon is one of my favourite’s recipes from Ovi.
OVI wherever you are now please receive our thanks for introducing us to Opera music while you were student. Now, while listening to Opera or classical music you’ll be allways in our minds. We shared so many years of good friendship and during all these times no matter what life threw at you, you took it with a pinch of salt and most of the times reacted by smiling or being jolly. Ovi you had “un joie de vivre” we have never seen before.
During his last trip to London, February 2006, Ovi stayed with us for few days and my children liked him too. My eldest son (5 years old at the time) remembers him as “the guy who sings on the computer” as Ovi found the song PUSTOAICO on the web and played it for him and his younger brother.
He was my best shopping companion and during a quick shopping spree in Bentalls, Kingston, this year, he made me buy a beautiful winter coat which he spotted for me by saying “LIFE is SHORT, so indulge yourself in whatever you like!” I really liked the coat too, but I wonder whether he knew something about his health that we didn’t… He, also, bought a beautiful winter coat for his mother too and it touched me to see how generous and thoughtful he was of his family, specially his mother.
They’re so many other good memories of Ovi and for all of these he will be terribly missed. Such a shame you had to go so early!
Me and my whole family will pray for you Ovi to rest in peace and continue to laugh or giggle looking down at your friends from wherever you are!
Daniela & Minica Belemet
We first heard of Ovidiu Haidu in 1983(?) when he was singing the well known Romanian song PUSTOAICO. He sang that song with such a passion that made him quickly famous in Romania!
Little did we expect to actually meet the guy and befriend him, in 1992, shortly after arriving to London. From the first moment we met he came across as a very kind, big hearted and generous guy who lived his life to the full.
We will always remember OVI inviting us to many of his London parties or vice-versa, the Romanian Restaurant parties, the Oval flat, a lovely Christmas in Kent, his Student Opera shows and so many other events where we always had such a good time together and heard him giggle a lot while sharing few stories. My husband especially remembers how he always tried to get Ovi drank before him but he would always loose and OVI would be teasing him next day ...We also remember inviting Ovi for dinner and he would end up cooking for us sometimes. The leak and mushrooms sauce with poached salmon is one of my favourite recipes from Ovi.
OVI wherever you are now please receive our thanks for introducing us to Opera music while you were student. Now, listening to Opera or classical music you’ll be always in our minds. We shared so many years of good friendship and during all these times no matter what life threw at you, you took it with a pinch of salt and most of the times reacted by smiling or being jolly. Ovi you had “un joie de vivre” we have never seen on nobodyelse!
During his last trip to London, February 2006, Ovi stayed with us for few days and my children liked him too. My eldest son (5 years old at the time) remembers him as “the guy who sings on the computer” as Ovi found the song PUSTOAICO on the web and played it for him and his younger brother.
He was my best shopping companion and during a quick shopping spree in Bentalls, Kingston, this year, he made me buy a beautiful winter coat which he spotted for me by saying “LIFE is SHORT, so indulge yourself in whatever you like!” I really liked the coat too, but I wonder whether he knew something about his health that we didn’t… He, also, bought a beautiful winter coat for his mother too and it touched me to see how generous and thoughtful he was of his family, specially his mother.
They’re so many other good memories of Ovi and for all of these he will be terribly missed. Such a shame you had to go so early!
Me and my whole family will pray for you Ovi to rest in peace and continue to laugh or giggle looking down at your friends from wherever you are!
Daniela & Minica Belemet
17th Oct 2006
I remember when I first met Ovi when we started at GSMD. I immediately liked him and we quickly grew close. We seemed similar in many ways though he was always the more gregarious and outrageous.
When you were in his company his warmth, openess and generosity came at you in great waves and when you were out for dinner or at a 'party! party!' you knew that with him more than anyone else, literally anything was possible. Ovi loved people and had a gift for bringing people out of themselves, putting them at ease, and making them feel important.
Even though he could be very indignant and outspoken at times, he had no ego. He was a very kind and forgiving man and when he said he loved you, you knew he meant it.
How many stories are there about Ovi?
I've spent some of the happiest and fun filled times of my life in his company and even if you weren't directly involved in the action, the Ovi 'tsunami' would simply engulf the whole place.
I think it's a testament to Ovi that the people he chose as his friends have come together in such a way. We were always all of us very close at Guildhall and Ovi would be grinning from ear to ear knowing we were all talking fondly of him. When I spoke to him recently he was so deeply moved that his friends were all thinking of him and expressing their love and support. He would be delighted to see his old friends come together now and I know people are keen to get back in touch with each other. I think this is a fitting tribute to the great man.
I will miss my friend.
Nick Ransley
I met Ovi over 14 years ago, and at the time of meeting him I was going through a pretty difficult time; I can say, without trying to "colour" the memory because he is,sadly, no longer with us, that he gave me a lot of confidence and helped restore my trust in the human race, particularly the male side of it... He had this amazing ability to see things from the other person's point of view, male or female. He was definitely 'in touch' with his feminine side...
He touched my life, and we have remained close friends despite moving, him to Glasgow, me to Swindon with my would-be-husband twelve years ago and (despite)sometimes very sporadic communication (on both sides), especially in the last couple of years. I have lots of fond memories involving Ovidiu and he will always occupy a special place in my heart. God bless him,
Monica (Yerbury-Hodgson)
Some of you I never meet, some of you probably don't remember me. Nick, thank you so, so much for doing this for me and all the people that are so far away. It took me a long time to write this. I went through denial, being very upset, crying and I know the acceptance process will take a while. Ovi was a paradox. Ovi was the kind of friend that you meet once in a lifetime and hope they will live forever. I met him long, long time ago. He is my blast from the past. He was a great friend with a beautiful heart. We went through our teenager years together: studying, partying, shopping, dealing with our families. We had the time of our life growing up in a beautiful city. We were fortunate to have great friends. We went to camps , cabanas, each other's homes. He was so close to my mom that sometimes I would come home from school and he was there chitt chating about all sorts of things.That's who he was, a friend to everybody. He visited my mom everytime he went back home and that meant a lot to me. Only a real friend does that. After we both left the country we use to call each other and talk about everything and anything. I forgot to mention that we went up and down the mountains any time we had a chance. I have so many memories of him that mentioning one wouldn't fair the other ones.
God bless him and his family.
Love always,
I last saw Ovi in "the" Romanian restaurant at our end-of-GSMD party. Haydn had to literally pull us apart, we were crying so much at the end of this special four years and I had bruises from Ovi hugging me so hard. I moved to Germany and have hardly had contact with anyone since, a main reason being that I felt that was a time I was happy to keep as a wonderful memory, a bit like a holiday romance. I am just so sad to realise that that really will have been the last time I saw Ovi and I wish I had known he was ill, as I would have loved to tell him how special and important he was for me. I think he made a huge difference to our GSMD time-who else would get away with holding up Bernie´s class to announce "On Saturday I have birthday. I make party. You are all invited, you too Bernie, you too Julia"? Never danced like that since. And the advice- "Steffi darlink, when are you going to put the poor boy out of his misery? For God´s sake, **** him!" "But I don´t want to, Ovi" "Oh, don´t be silly." And I know you all remember Ovi´s Diary....Thinking of that, no wonder he only had time to work on "Il mio tesoro intanto" bringing it to class certainly more than once or twice.
Lots of memories are about how funny and extreme he was, but what has always been difficult to convey is how loveable he was and such a big-hearted friend.
Some warmth has gone out of this world, an incredible personality and I feel so lucky to have known him. I won´t stop crying for a long time to come. Love to you all, and love to you Ovi, I hope you know.
La Vierge
Dear Nick, I don’t know who you are, but I’m sure you must be a wonderful friend.Thank you for having given us the opportunity to remember Ovi and to meet here most of his friends.
Cu Ovi am inceput sa cant la chitara printr-a 7a. Eram colegi de clasa si ne cumparasem chitarile cam in acelasi timp. Imi amintesc cum invatam unul de la celalat acordurile si apoi cantam la doua voci (el,evident, vocea intai....) cantecele de la Cenacul Flacara....Am fost asa de fericita si mandra cand el a fost acceptat in spectacolul Cenaclului cativa ani mai tarziu....Ovi, partenerul ideal la fox si rock-and-roll, dansator minunat si neobosit.... expansiv si excesiv....sensibil si agresiv....
Dupa terminarea scolii parcursurile noastre s-au intersectat din ce in ce mai rar, dar de fiecare data cand ne-am intalnit, poate o data la 5-6 ani, am avut sentimentul ca nu ne-am despartit nici o clipa, am reluat relatia camaradereasca din acelasi punct de unde o lasasem cu ani in ras, ne-am adus aminte de timpurile cand eram „Ciresarii”, el - Ursu , eu - Maria, Romi - dansat, am cantat, am barfit...
Intr-un fel sau altul,chiar daca nu vorbeam la telefon sau pe internet, am stiut mereu unul de altul, n-am pierdut definitiv contactul....pana acum. Sau poate nici acum. Doar ca de aici inainte o sa fie altfel.
Ovi, pana una alta, o sa experimentam un alt fel de contact: virtual, astral, paranormal, extrasenzorial.... Si-apoi om mai vedea....
Ciao, bello!
Adriana Zamfirescu
I last saw Ovi at the Romanian restaurant at the GSMD-is-over party and Haydn had to pull us apart when it was time for me to leave, as Ovi and I were crying and hugging so hard I had bruises. It was a very special four years, for certain made moreso because of our wonderful party master. I can´t imagine anyone else getting away with holding up Bernie´s class as he needed to make an announcement: "On Friday I have birthday. I make party. You are all invited, you too, Bernie, you too, Julia." And the not always heeded advice "Steffi, when are you going to put the poor boy out of his misery? For God´s sake **** him!" "But I don´t want to Ovi" "Oh, don´t be so silly." And Ovi´s Diary.....
I have often described Ovi to people, and the funny bits are easy to convey, but not how big-hearted and loveable he was along with his outrageous personality. I feel very lucky to have known Ovi and I believe he made our time at the GSMD into something enviable. (I don´t mean by making us very well aquainted indeed with "Il mio tesoro intanto")
I love you Ovi, and I´m sorry I didn´t know you were ill. I hope you knew it anyway. I will cry for a long time to come for you not living any more.
Love to you all who were in Emanuele´s favourite year.
La Vierge
Sunt inmarmurit uitandu-ma la fotografie...
Daca fac abstractie de ochelari, barbita si imi imaginez parul un pic mai lung, il vad pe Ovi asa cum il tin minte dintotdeauna.
Soarta a facut sa nu ne mai vedem de cand a plecat din tara, si repet, uitandu-ma la fotografie vad aceelasi Ovi care mi-l aduc aminte perfect in diferite ipostaze din cele mai frumoase aminitiri, non-conformist, debordant, zambitor, deschis si degajand caldura...
...ore intregi petrecute ascultand (pe benzi de magnetofon)la maxim "Queen" si cantand cat ne tineau plamanii "...I want to break free...", intalnirile de seara in Cimitirul Eroilor de langa Olympia, cafe-concert-urile si - desigur cele mai indragite - serile petrecute "la gura sobei" langa o sticla (sau mai multe...) de vin, in fum de tigara, ascultand-ul pe Ovi cantand la chitara.
Ovi a trait asa cum a decis el sa traiasca, adica frumos si din plin, iar pentru asta si pentru multe altele, cred ca este de admirat.
Cu siguranta a marcat viata oamenilor care i-a intalnit si putem fi recunoscatori pentru faptul ca am avut ocazia sa ne petrecem timpul (mai mult sau mai putin)alturi de el la diferite momente in timp.
Ovi ramane cu noi in continuare, chiar prin ceea ce era...
Thank you all, Friends, for sharing a piece of what Ovi ment to you...
I can't belive my eyes, looking at the picture...
If I imagine this without eye-glasses, beard and perhaps a bit longer haircut, I see an unchanged Ovi,the same I used to know...
Destiny turn our ways apart since he left Romania and , I repeat, looking at the picture I remember exactly the same Ovi in different dearest memories frames, warm, smiling, overwelming, kind and open...
...long hours spent with the volume to the max listening "Queen" and singing from bottom of our lumbs "...I want to break free...", late-night friends ghaterings at the Heroes Cemetery nearby Olympia, cafe-concerts and of course most wanted - evenings and nights - spent in cigarettes smoke with plenty of wine, listening to Ovi playing his guitar.
Ovi lived the way he chosse to live, and I mean here beautifuly and to the max, and for that and many other things he deserve to be admired.
For sure, he mark-up his friends lifes and we cherrish the moments we spent togheter at different points in time.
Ovi stays with us by simply who and how he use to be...
I was deeply sad to receive the news of Ovi's death. Being completely unaware of his serious condition it came as a surprise and shock.
Our time together at the RSAMD was certainly fun filled, to say the least. I have fond memories of Ovi, his wonderful sense of humor and his generosity as a person.
My family and I send our condolences to Ovi's family and friends. May he rest in peace.
Oli Sigurdarson
It was early Spring of 2003 when my wife and I returned to Canada from London. She had studied and worked there for a number of years, and I had come to join her, and try my luck in that most competitive of job markets.
However after a year of only luke warm success, it became apparent that it was time to flee to the colonies where life is easier, money goes further and general creature comforts are more accessible. What I didn't anticipate was my wife's general disdain for Canada, and Toronto in particular. Her reasons are varied, and I must admit have more than a little merit. But that would fill its own volume, elsewhere and at another time.
To save her sanity she began muttering the name of a friend of hers. Almost as an incantation. A prelude to a magic trick that would in a flash and a bang reveal some startling result, to awe all those who would later bear witness to such an incredible sight.
Enter Ovi.
Of course I had heard of him over the years. Many late night phone calls, shrieks of almost endless laughter and promises to always stay in touch. However, never a glimpse of the great man. Not hide nor hair. It's very tough keeping a legend tucked firmly under your cap. Eventually you are found out, the genie emerges from the bottle and all you can do is hang on.
So in the Summer of 2003, just a few months after our less than glorious repatriation, and with more than a few hundred wishes on my wife's part, Ovi was on his way to save us from ourselves, and the savage hinterland we now called home.
From the moment we met at the airport, I knew this man was his own force of nature. Definitely moving to a unique drumbeat that only he was aware of.
In no time at all he was: dispensing advice, re-arranging our home, planning dinner parties and acquiring more invitations to social outings than even the most sought after party goer could dare hope for.
It was a whirlwind of a month I must say. Yes, you read that correctly. Ovi had decided to grace us with his invaluable presence for an entire month. 30 days. Or 4 weeks if you prefer.
Anyway you slice it, there were moments that it did feel like a long time. Viewed with today's eyes I wish it could have gone on forever.
We enjoyed cottage life at a friend's retreat in northern Ontario. It was here that Ovi had his best moments. Commandeering a jet-ski and zooming across a pristine lake. That is until he sank and had to be rescued by the rest of us following in a power cruiser. Co-hosting our host's barbecues, just because he had to get into a kitchen and get things going... a-la-Haidu.
And then dispensing a pinch of pure delight by serenading a select group. I can't pretend to know the snippet of opera he offered up that evening, but I can tell you... his stage was a large rock formation, the setting fireball of the sun over the lake was his backdrop, and we the rapt audience wept at the beauty that emerged from him.
It was a truly wondrous and magical summer. One that has more to tell. But I'll leave that for another time.
Like the rest of you, I miss him dearly. His friendship to my wife Laura was of very long standing. My privilege was in knowing him at all.
Ov - a kinder, funnier and more dangerous person never graced this planet. You made the Guildhall and my wallet a lighter place and were the first to invent the Mozart-recit "palm crib". You made professors red with anger and the rest of us fall about laughing. You led the fullest of lives.
Au revoir, old friend.
I knew Ovi, because I am one of his brother's (Florin) best friends. During his childhood,Ovi was best friend with my brother, Tinu.
We were next door neighbors in Brasov and I can't forget when all of us meet to his house to listen to his first hit"Pustuaico". We were so proud of him.
Reast in peace my good friend, and my God bless and confort your entire family.
I got the news that Ovi had left us from Fiona a couple of weeks ago, far away from Glasgow in sunny Naples. I was in my dressing room just minutes before a performance of the Magic Flute, when I read the text message and called her back. Though shaken, it was obvious to me that I would sing for him that night and so it was in the end. I felt, that he was almost present, in the wings, as he had been the last time we had been on stage together, back in early 2001 at Scottish Opera.
Ovi was the first person to make a big impression on me when I first arrived in London back in 1995. He not only introduced me to a lot of people, but also to the legendary nights at the Romanian restaurant, of which I have some of the fondest memories of my life. We had a strong, mutual friendship over many years, though I lost contact with him after moving back to Germany in 2002.
He was ultimately genuine, willing to share everything, starting from the contents of his fridge down to the smallest details of his heart and - on a personal level - he was one of the most caring people I have met in my entire life. For most of us who shared time with him at the GSMD, he very often resembled "the perfect friend".
I have to admit that I was puzzled when Ovi talked to me of his years in Romania shortly before he came to London, also showing me some unusual pictures, that hardly resembled the man I knew. I found it unusual, why such a gifted popular singer and also the fantatstic dancer that he was, would give everything up in his native country to start again from scratch hundreds of miles away. I often asked him about this, but he would not let me entirely through to his heart on these matters. Maybe because he knew, that not all of his dreams would become true. And maybe all the parties were sometimes a way to also forget that. He told me, that he wanted a career in opera and also a family; In the end, it was really his friends that were his family. So at least this part of his dream became true. And how it became true - all people on this website are a testimony to to that.
I am very grateful that I could call Ovi my friend during this lifetime. And I am sure that whenever we meet on the next "stage", he will again be waiting the wings....
Just to let everyone know that there will be a memorial service held for Ovi on Thursday 30th November at 14:30 in Glasgow University College Chapel.
If anyone requires any further details please telephone Nigel on 07752 150 343
Please pass on details of the memorial concert to anyone you think would be interested:
Saturday 17th February, 3pm at Kensington Unitarian Church, 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, W8. Following the concert, we will be going to the Romanian Restaurant, 32 Old Bailey, London EC4
My dearest Ovi. It is January the 18 and it is your birthday today. I'm thinking of you and hope you know you're in my heart. Happy birthday my dear friend...
I read the news of Ovi's death on the GSMD alumni magazine. Very sad, shocking news. Ovi and I were at the Guildhall at the same time, 93-97. I still remember his laughter and vibrant energy. Um abraço, Pedro
We miss you as much today as we missed you a year ago! As the year since your passing draws to a close we raise our prayers and hope that Heaven is kind to you.
We love you and miss you. Always.
Laura and Rod/October 2007
It's been years since I've had any news about Ovi and what a shocking news I got today...
He was everything everyone said on this blog and more.
I will always remember him in the '90 singing and dancing and being in love with Bea. Bea where are you?
He was the kind of friend that you wanted to keep to yourself, exclusive and by God he was so generous with his time, (especially in the matters of the heart - in my case) or with anyone that needed him.
He will be terribly missed by all of us.
Thank you Nick for this blog, what a wonderful idea! Ovi would have loved it.
Corina April 2009
I've read this evening from a comment posted to a youtube video clip that Ovidiu Haidu is dead from 4 years :( It was a very sad news... I've met him long time ago, when he was singing at Cenaclul Flacara his very known song, Pustoaica. I spent a summer holiday, with my parents, on the Black Sea coast and I met Ovidiu Haidu in a camping ...he and his girl friend was our neighbours there... actually, our tent was in the neighbourhood of their's. I remember that every evening I've listened him singing and playing guitar and other neighbours staying around the fire and listening. I was very excited. Sometimes he told us jokes, making us laughing... It's so sad and surprising to me to hear about his death :( I'm so sorry.
Sadly and by a mere chance I found out about this. We were collegues. We went to the same "liceu" and we were in the same class. We spent many weekends together as a group. We took trips up in the mauntains, and we had fun. I am so sorry to hear about such a tragedy. Are you all remember our parties? I sure do. I cannot write any longer my tears are comming down.
Ovidiu RIP! Fost coleg the liceu.
Pe Ovidiu Haidu l-am cunoscut prin '83. Am cantat cu el pe plaja la Marea Neagra. Amandoi eram in liceu. Faine vremuri. Am mai petrecut uneori si prin Brasov. D-zeu sa-l odihneasca.
Furnica Razvan
maybe too late to post here.....or maybe never it is too late
I knew him since we were children.....I admired him singing "Pustoaico"...I met hin few months before he left us in a club in Brasov .....and I was wondering why he didn't reply to my mail messagges..... so sad ....miss you Ovi...Adriana Natu - buy viagra [url=]levitra 20mg[/url] levitra
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I don't know why today is the day I have decided to write (it has been very many years), but Ovi returns to my thoughts and has done over all these many years. He was one of a kind. My memories return to me in waves.
We studied together at the RSAMD for 2 years on the opera course. I recall how, having seen me perform Vasek (Bartered Bride) in some "scenes" he made it known, in his incomparable tones, that he did not understand why people liked my performance. This was his way! I also recall his annoyance when failing to win prizes in competitions. The cheek of the judges! Then again, I was gutted when he was preferred to me to sing Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni): he had a superb tenor voice. I suppose we were rivals and this clouded our relationship. Perhaps that is why it has taken so long to write this note. But there was no suppressing Ovi: he was superb company. I still can see his shocking yellow jacket as he sat in the RSAMD coffee bar: the sort that will get you beaten up in Glasgow, and his extraordinary English accent! It was unique. But his greeting was so warm on so many occasions and we shared many happy drinking sessions together. He really was the "life and soul". Many times we had way too many together, and he could be frighteningly flirtatious - but then he could put away 2 bottles of red without breaking off talk. A story comes back to me of the time he was waylaid, rather worse for ware, on Sauchiehall Street by a couple of Neds. They pushed him around for a while saying "come on Big Man" (a phrase he never liked as he thought it meant fat, but in fact it means "tall and powerful"). He laid one of them flat with one punch and the other ran off!
Ovi was a true "character", and a sweet and generous man. We did not always see eye to eye but that is as much my fault as his and I was deeply saddened at his passing. It is important not to forget and I will never will, as long as I live.
Dear Ovi,
You were quite the brightest, infuriating, outrageous, devilish big cuddly bear I ever knew at GH.
Having had a whole career in pop music well before your arrival at GH, I think you looked at the farcical buttoned up classical notions of performing as quite the most absurd thing you'd every seen, except that of course you loved the music and loved singing what you loved with every fibre... What was it.. two songs you learned new in your 4 years as an undergrad? You were a lazy bugger like that and truth be told, we all loved that you got away with it all, and that voice... Ringing with joy and cleaning out any notion that you weren't serious about being an operatic tenor!
My earliest and perhaps most funny memory of your interaction with me was that time you saw me in the pub, you came sashaying in, grinning down your nose at the suits drinking their "disgusting cheapos" and waltzed over to my table, regardless as to who I was with or what I was doing, and held your hand out, dramatically pulled me into an embrace, sometimes bending me backwards, while grinning, giggling and saying audibly and in the most camp way imaginable, "come dahrling; what you waste your time in dis dump? I **** you! Romanian style!"
I honestly have never blushed or gone into an embarrassed sweat very many times before or since your various variations on this theme of greeting, but every time, even though I used to give you a squeal of outrage and would whack you with my free hand, I absolutely loved it. Naughty, naughty Ovi.
How I wished I'd not left GH unexpectedly or that my immense social anxiety hadn't got in the way of your many invitations to the Romanian restaurant that lives in infamy and delight in the memories of our comrades here and elsewhere.
You were a one off with your cottage cheese and sparkling water diet, your mischievous twinkly eyes, your absolute irreverence that disarmed even the most gnarly of professors, and the kind way you listened when your friends felt lost or overwhelmed. You were the Romanian Godfather of fabulousness, warmth, generosity and kindness.
For the three years I knew you, you never failed to help me realise the world was so much bigger than the bubble we were all encapsulated by at GH and that life was short, ridiculous but so worth living.
I salute you, I miss you, I **** you!
Jessie L
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